clay pigeon | Montreal indie folk recording project. 'The Aching Taste of Blue' out now

The Aching Taste of Blue

Released July 19th 2024
Distributed worldwide by AWAL

Performed by:
James Clayton - guitar, vocals
Owen Saar - piano
Sophie Ogilvie-Hanson - vocals
Leighton Harrell - bass
Rhys Climenhage - drums
Dylan Keating - guitar, pedal steel

Captured to tape by Howard Bilerman & Shae Brossard at Hotel2Tango in Montreal, QC
Additional overdubs for tracks 3 & 6 recorded at You First by Rhys Climenhage

Mixed by Shae Brossard at Hotel2Tango
Mastered by Harris Newman at Grey Market Mastering
Written by James Clayton

Album art by Evangelos James Desborough

Buy: Bandcamp

Stream: Spotify | Apple Music

In October of 2020, I moved back to Montreal. I coincidentally rented a little sublet on my old street and lived alone for the first time. I worked a call job during the day and Z came over in the evenings to drink. It was during this time a friend introduced me to Howard and we had a call to talk about making a record together. This was a dream, but much to my surprise, I backed out. I hadn’t written anything meaningful in a few years and talked myself out of it, daunted by the thought.

I needed a fresh start. Music had been a pillar in my life since before I can remember but everything became convoluted and, eventually, music just wasn’t about music anymore. I’d subconsciously poured my ego into every musical endeavour — playing shows to prove something, writing songs because I wanted to be someone who writes songs, and fearful of creating anything because I based my entire identity on it.

Montreal was in lockdown and I spent my time scrolling on my phone and drinking whatever was around—the void. One day I came across an online songwriting course led by an artist I had long admired. I wrote the first song for the record in that course. I feel like a kid again. My curiosity blossomed and it felt like I’d started writing for the first time. I set up a makeshift studio in the sublet and wrote Here & Now. Something’s happening. It’s hard to put my finger on what changed but I was able to let go.

I spent the next year playing in friend’s bands. It’s not about me anymore. I learned how to listen harder.

When the desire to record again emerged I acted fast. All I had were unfinished, unorganized songs and Howard’s email, but it didn’t matter because it felt right. The band came to life and everyone brought their own voice. We cut the record during a humid week in August, laughing through every session. On the last day, Owen and I cried. Shae mixed everything while the rest of us drank in the parking lot and a week later I asked Tos to marry me.

I’m so scared of everything and need something to hide behind. As I get older, my relationship with music, which is so inextricably wrapped up in myself, warps and fades like a memory, but I’m writing again and genuinely feel excited about what we made. I’m happy to share it, but honestly, I’ve already gotten everything I needed out of it. These songs are blue and feel sad, because I’m sad, and I imagine you’re sad too, in your own way.

clay pigeon is the songwriting vehicle of James Clayton. He was born in Peterborough, Ontario and currently resides in Montreal.

‘The album carries a blue tinged bluntness about the fact of being sad, something we all too often skirt around’

‘8 Emerging Canadian Artists You Need to Hear’

- exclaim!

‘The melody's got an appealing contour, and the backing vocals are so subtle, you almost don't realize they're there until you find yourself singing along’

‘With a diverse musical background James brings a wealth of experience to his latest project’
- Canadian Beats